Steve’s Newsletter Volume 1: Issue 2

By Steven Specht No comments

The Littlest Insurgent In between larger projects, I am always working on silly short stories. My fourth collection will be out sometime in 2026. This short story was inspired by a quip in my parenting memoir, Parenting as a Contact Sport in which I compared babies at naptime to the Taliban. As a linguist, I […]

Steve’s Newsletter Volume 1: Issue 1

By Steven Specht No comments

Welcome to the first edition of my newsletter. I wanted to create a space where I can reach out directly to people who might be interested in what I have to say. I have relied primarily on Facebook for the last several years, but their algorithm buries anything that is more than a few hundred […]

Hermit Crabs: Rim-to-Rim Run

By Steven Specht No comments

*** 4 AM Wakeup. It’s 90 minutes to the trailhead and I’d like to start before daybreak, finding my way by the earliest signs of morning light. All three kids are asleep and the first thing to do is to move them inside the truck. The oldest wakes up, briefly. The other two are like […]

Be Nice to Wasps

By Steven Specht No comments

Not long ago, I was startled by a friend describing her afternoon of knocking down wasp nests. I would describe this person as left-of-center, concerned about climate change, and other issues regarding our inability to live within the earth’s carrying capacity. It didn’t compute that knocking down wasp nests would be part of the day’s […]

Horses Don’t Eat Moon Pies

By Steven Specht No comments

This is one of my favorite essays. It was written by Pat Conroy in 1973. I post it here for the purpose of social commentary in an upcoming book about a year-long trip around the country. Such publication is covered under Fair Use Doctrine and is not a copyright violation. The Horse is a sacred […]

Hermit Crabs

By Steven Specht No comments

This House Is Not Our Google Home I say that I married into a year-long trip around the country in a travel trailer. It was a second marriage for both of us. For each of us, our first marriages were with someone philosophically incompatible. When searching for a second spouse, each of us had checklists […]


By Steven Specht No comments

Let’s be clear form the beginning. Martin Theroux was in no way responsible in the disappearance of Maryam Fadel. While his exoneration has been well documented in the news, it doesn’t change the fact that for six months he was harassed without end. The death threats rising to the point that he was pulled from […]

Footnotes in Foreign Relations 1:4 Blowback and Trying to do the Right Thing

By Steven Specht No comments

TLDR: The US passed some interesting legislation in the early 90s that would give victims of torture the ability to sue their torturers in US Courts. It is with some irony that the very first successful lawsuit under this law involved a US Citizen turned Roman Catholic nun suing a Guatemalan Defense Minister with ties […]

Footnotes in Foreign Relations 1:2

By Steven Specht No comments

The Reasons Behind the Zimmerman Telegram TLDR: Only the United States is allowed to interfere in Mexican politics Anyone who went through a middle school history class probably remembers something about British decoding the “Zimmerman Telegram” which prompted the US to actively enter World War I. It was an attempt by the German government to […]

Footnotes in Foreign Relations 1:1

By Steven Specht No comments

Feckless Negotiators TLDR: US policy or lack thereof in the early 1920s helped pave the way for Nazi Germany. Reparations after war were common in Europe, so it wasn’t unusual that Germany got stuck footing the bill for WWI in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. After all, the Germans did the exact same thing to […]