
By Steven Specht No comments

This is an excerpt of my book Parenting as a Contact Sport. If you enjoy this excerpt, please consider purchasing it through the link at the end of the story. Shit “There’s shit everywhere!” [Adorable Giggles] “THERE’S SHIT EVERYWHERE!” [Adorable squealing] There was shit everywhere. Oozing out of the leg holes of a diaper and […]

Trump as Kafka’s Merchant

By Steven Specht No comments

In rereading Kafka’s The Trial I am struck by a similarity between Herr Block and President Trump. Block is a merchant who has been enduring his own version of the legal system* for nearly five years. His character exists as a contradiction of itself. One minute he is on hands and knees in complete obeisance […]

A Look at Media Bias in Coverage of Elizabeth Warren’s Defense of Paying for Medicare for All

By Steven Specht No comments

For an explanation of why I have done this writeup, please see the Week 1 write up at the following link: This week, Media Bias Chart considered how six news sources covered Senator Warren’s defense of how she plans to fund her Medicare for All plan. On Friday, November 1, 2019, Warren released a […]

A Look at Media Bias in Coverage of Governor Newsom’s Pardons

By Steven Specht No comments

For an explanation of why I have done this writeup, please see the Week 1 write up at the following link: This week, Media Bias Chart considered how six news sources covered pardons and commutations by California Governor, Gavin Newsom. The governor pardoned four ex-convicts who had served their time for crimes committed more […]

How Search Engine Optimization Undermines Original Reporting

By Steven Specht No comments

How Search Engine Optimization Undermines Original Reporting Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as SEO is the method by which websites direct traffic to themselves through searches online. If you manage the website of a rehab facility, you may look into treatment seo methods that can help promote the business online. For example, if I […]

A Look at Media Bias in Coverage of the CNN LGBTQ Candidate Town Hall

By Steven Specht No comments

For the last several months, I’ve worked on The Media Bias Chart, a project that rates news sources. The premise of the project is that if people are aware of biased reporting, they will have the opportunity to seek better sources. Working with dozens of people from across the country and across the political spectrum, […]

Shirley Jackson’s Lottery as an Allegory for Business Regulation

By Steven Specht No comments

Note—If you haven’t read The Lottery, I give away the plot within. But it’s only 8 pages, so just Google “Shirley Jackson Lottery PDF,” read it, and come back. A summary of the plot The Lottery take place in a small, unnamed community of approximately 300 people. They are participating in an annual tradition of […]

Hopping Mad

By Steven Specht No comments

This was originally published on Daddy’s Digest. Please read more great stories on Daddy’s Digest by following the link at the end of the story. Hopping Mad Sometimes parents just dig themselves in a hole from where they cannot escape. This is a story about that. For Wolf’s three-year birthday, we took him to Great […]

Meet Them Where They Are

By Steven Specht No comments

If you like this writing, you might like my book, Parenting as a Contact Sport. Please consider a purchase using the link at the end. Meet Them Where They Are When I was a legal services attorney, the best advice I received from a senior attorney was to “meet the client where they are.” This […]

Give Screens a Chance

By Steven Specht No comments

If you like this writing, you might like my book, Parenting as a Contact Sport. Please consider a purchase using the link at the end. I was a perfect parent before I had kids, filled with high-minded and well-read ideas on parenting. Three-and-a-half years into this, I can say I’m a halfway decent parent, but […]