A Pretty Good Date Night

By Steven Specht No comments

If you like this writing, then you might like my book, Parenting as a Contact Sport. Please consider purchasing the book using the link at the end of this. A Pretty Good Date Night Lauren and I had been back from a date night for about five minutes. We had paid the sitter, and she […]

Death of a Cardinal

By Steven Specht No comments

A cardinal smacked against a south window today, dead instantly. Wolf, the three-year-old has some vague understanding of death but not in a direct sense that has any personal meaning to him. Cardinals are his favorite bird. This is probably because Cardinals are the only bird he can handily identify on our feeders, eagerly pointing […]

The Footie Tattoo

By Steven Specht No comments

This is an excerpt from a collection of short stories titled Zunder Tales If you like this story, please consider buying the collection in the link at the end of the story. The Footie Tattoo As Racheal awoke, she automatically began caressing herself testing out the lay of the things. She always did this when adjusting […]


By Steven Specht No comments

This is an excerpt from a collection of short stories titled Zunder Tales If you like this story, please consider buying the collection in the link at the end of the story. CHIPs Obidiah woke instantly in his sixth-floor hide. His jolting alertness felt no better after 82 years than it had when he first received […]

Tony’s Tapeworm

By Steven Specht No comments

This is an excerpt from a collection of short stories titled Zunder Tales If you like this story, please consider buying the collection in the link at the end of the story. Tony’s Tapeworm On Commonality Tony remembered purchasing a sushi platter from the 7/11, but this was not uncommon in Southern California. By this […]


By Steven Specht No comments

This was originally published in the Western Michigan University Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law in 2017. Excuse the formatting of footnotes as this is not easily rendered into blog format. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 307I. Introduction 308II. Public Choice Theory 312Introduction 312Public Choice Theory Applied to Elections 313III. Antitrust Law 315IV. The Role […]

The Women’s Section

By Steven Specht No comments

Full disclosure: I despise the idea of adults being obligated to buy gifts for other adults and pretend to like what they are given. My extended family has come to understand that I am the Grinch and I proudly wear my seasonal boxers with “Merry Grinchmas!” spread across the seat. Still, once a year I […]

CPR and Soup

By Steven Specht No comments

It had been a month since the contractors began work at the house down the street. Though I’ve never actually met the neighbors, their constantly barking dog has been obnoxious. I had hoped these repairs meant they were preparing to move and sell. I was on auto-pilot, walking my dog to the same stretch of […]

Twatlight Sequel: A New Poon

By Steven Specht No comments

In 2013 and 2014, I dabbled in a satire page of my own creation. It was called The Hindrance Report: All News Unfit for Print. For a variety of reasons, I disbanded the site but have reposted a few pages on or around their original publication date for amusement. Summit Entertainment and parent company, Lions […]

My Lifestyle is Not a Choice: Fighting for Survival in a Godless Society

By Steven Specht No comments

I and those like me are under a constant pressure to conform to a society that has lost its way. My lifestyle is called “a choice,” and because of that “choice,” I am often disenfranchised. I am tired of being a second class citizen in the so-called “land of the free.” Of course I’m talking […]