Trying Poppies

By Steven Specht No comments

The following is an excerpt of Notes from Afghanistan which I published as a day-to-day account of a year in Afghanistan as a contractor linguist in 2013. If you enjoy this excerpt, please consider buying the full book on Amazon using the link provided at the end. May 1stI’m going to miss this place; that […]

Four or Five Miles on Merritt’s Mill Pond

By Steven Specht No comments

The cool morning air is pressing down on the warmer air directly above the water. I guess it was cold enough last night to justify using the fireplace, because a pocket of wood smoke is pressed between the thermocline. I hope the warmth of the sun will raise the air temperature, because I don’t think […]

My First 50

By Steven Specht No comments

Well I’m committed now… Lauren’s tail lights have disappeared around the corner and she’ll be merging onto I-8 from exit 36 on her way to work. I’m a few miles east of Alpine, CA, and there is barely a hint of dawn creeping up from behind the mountains. I said I’d spend a few minutes […]

A Letter Home

By Steven Specht No comments

(The Following Was Published in Notes from Afghanistan, a collection of essays, letters, and daily experiences during a year in Afghanistan) Dear Sean, There is some merit to what you are saying about Islam, but remember that Christianity had a 600-year head start on Islam, and they were still having witch trials 300 years ago. […]

A Review of Archy’s Final Act in Gallipoli-1981

By Steven Specht No comments

When examining Archy, he was filled with some sort of mischief from the beginning of the movie.  We start out the film with a commitment to a foolhardy barefoot race across the desert against a man on horseback.  Later he insists on competing in a legitimate footrace, albeit with shoes this time, a mere three […]

Paper on Terrorism

By Steven Specht No comments

I wrote this when pursuing an MA in International Relations. Introduction Over the course of the war on terror, more than 700 people have been incarcerated in the Guantanamo Bay detention facility; stories of torture abound.  Many in the government have justified any alleged mistreatment as necessary for security of the citizens of the United […]

Henny Penny Takes Off: A Novel of War and Human Spirit by Odene Braithwaite

By Steven Specht No comments

The following was originally written for the AFROTC detachment newsletter at the University of Florida in a column titled X-Specht, the UnX-Spechted The title does not do it justice, but Henny Penny Takes Off, is a shocking tale of a young man in the early 1940s. Hobbes Spitz was a US factory worker supporting his […]

Disappearing Spaghetti Fields

By Steven Specht No comments

I originally wrote this for my high school newspaper for April Fools in the spring of 2001. I used it again for a column I had in the Air Force ROTC Detachment Newsletter at the University of Florida. My Column was X-Specht the Un-X-Spechted. ——————————————————————————————————————- Here is another of my rare but serious articles. Because […]